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Calc can calculate the actual value at different positions during the measurement procedure, e.g. before a new measurement point is set and measured or after all variables of a meaurement point have been taken.  
Calc can calculate the actual value at different positions during the measurement procedure, e.g. before a new measurement point is set and measured or after all variables of a meaurement point have been taken.  
* '''Always:'''  Use this default value if you do not matter and just want to have actual values all the time. It is a combination of "At the beginning" and "At the end".
* '''Always:'''  Use this default value if you do not matter and just want to have actual values all the time. It is a combination of "At the beginning" and "At the end".
* '''At the beginning:''' Needed if you like to modify a Sweep value of a certain module that has to be handed over to another Module as a Sweep value before the next measurement point is run through. It is performed in a phase where new sweep values are handed over to each module before the [[start]] phase of the sequencer procedure.
* '''At the beginning:''' Needed if you like to modify a Sweep value of a certain module that has to be handed over to another Module as a Sweep value before the next measurement point is run through. It is performed in a phase where new sweep values are handed over to each module before the [[start()]] phase of the sequencer procedure.
* '''At the end:''' Can be used, if you like to post-process the latest measurement data. It is performed during the [[process]] phase of the sequencer execution.
* '''At the end:''' Can be used, if you like to post-process the latest measurement data. It is performed during the [[process()]] phase of the sequencer execution.

== Further information ==
== Further information ==

Revision as of 09:31, 19 September 2023

Calc is a simple calculator that helps you to do simple math based on the latest measurement values.

Screenshot of the Calc module. Based on the current of the module SMU1, the variable 'Current density' is calculated in units of 'mA/cm^2' assuming an active area of 0.04 cm^2.


The typical way to use Calc involves the following steps:

  1. Create a Calc module in the sequencer and change to the corresponding tab
  2. Change the label of the module if desired
  3. Enter a name of the calculated variable and its unit
  4. Define whether the variable can be plotted and whether it should be saved
  5. In section 'Values' create as many fields you need using 'Add value field'
  6. Select the SweepMe! internal variables and relate them to 'x1', 'x2', and so on.
  7. Type in your formula in section 'Formula' using 'x1', 'x2', etc. as placeholders for

Calc is performing its calculation when it is part of the active branch. It can process last known parameter values but has no access to the history of a parameter. The selected values can stem from modules that are present in the same branch, but also from modules in previously active branches.


Calc can calculate the actual value at different positions during the measurement procedure, e.g. before a new measurement point is set and measured or after all variables of a meaurement point have been taken.

  • Always: Use this default value if you do not matter and just want to have actual values all the time. It is a combination of "At the beginning" and "At the end".
  • At the beginning: Needed if you like to modify a Sweep value of a certain module that has to be handed over to another Module as a Sweep value before the next measurement point is run through. It is performed in a phase where new sweep values are handed over to each module before the start() phase of the sequencer procedure.
  • At the end: Can be used, if you like to post-process the latest measurement data. It is performed during the process() phase of the sequencer execution.

Further information

  • 'x0' is the last return value of the Calc module. It might be of interest to do some iterative recalculation and refinement. Please choose the correct execution, e.g. "At the beginning" or "At the end". Otherwise, the result will be modified twice per measurement point.
  • 'x0' is always initialized as float('nan') (i.e. not a number of type float). You can test whether is x0 is such a 'nan' using isnan(x0)
  • Several Calc modules can be used and combined to create more complex calculations.
  • Calc only provides the data of the last measurement point, which can be 0-dimensional, e.g. in case of voltage, a time etc. or 1-dimensional, e.g. in case of a spectrum or a transient of an oscilloscope.
  • If you need to access all points, that have been measured so far, the module CustomFunction is recommended that allows you to write your own python scrips and load additional libraries.


  • Current density in mA/cm²: 1000 * x1 / x2 where x1 is the current of an SMU module in Ampere and x2 the active area of the sample in cm².
  • Normalize spectrum by max: x1/max(x1) where x1 is a spectrum of a Spectrometer module.
  • Calibrate temperatures: a * x1 + b where x1 is a measured temperature of the Temperature module and a,b are the coefficients of a linear calibration function.
  • Sum up a value: x1 if isnan(x0) else x0 + x1 where x1 is the value to be summed up and x0 is the return value. Use Execution = "At the end". In the first step, y is set to x1, so that in subsequent steps x0 (which is the last y) is initialized to a start value.
  • Create a message: "Ok" if x1 < 50 else "Warning" where x1 is a process parameter that is checked whether it would be ok 50 or not.
  • Indexing: x1[62] where x1 is a variable with 1-dimensional data, e.g. a spectrum. Here, the value at index 62 is returned. Please note that indices start from 0.
  • Peak position: min(x2[x1==max(x1)]) where x1 are 1-dimensional intensities and x2 are the corresponding 1-dimensional wavelengths. The function finds the first wavelength, the maximum value is achieved.
  • String formatting: "%i" % x1 where x1 is an integer. Please note that the result will be a string.
  • Create a message: "The measurement has finished" where no variable is needed. Such messages can be used to display them during a measurement in a Monitor widget.
  • Print to debug (from version: 1.5.4.): print("My value is" , x1) where x1 can be any selected value. The output will be seen in the Debug window (F2).

Supported Functions

There is a limited number of functions that can be used inside the Calc module. The following list gives the commands that can be used in Calc and the corresponding python function that will be called. If there are further functions needed, please let us know (

The list is related to version: 1.5.4

python built-in functions

Calc command Python function
abs abs
len len
max max
min min
int int
float float
round round
str str
repr repr
print print
type type

datetime functions

Calc command Python function

math functions

Calc command Python function
ceil math.ceil
degrees math.degrees
fabs math.fabs
floor math.floor
fmod math.fmod
frexp math.frexp
hypot math.hypot
ldexp math.ldexp
modf math.modf
pi math.pi
pow math.pow
radians math.radians

random functions

Calc command Python function
random random.random
randint random.randint

numpy functions

Calc command Python function
sqrt np.sqrt
absolute np.absolute
real np.real
imag np.imag
angle np.angle
conj np.conj
sin np.sin
sinh np.sinh
asin np.arcsin
arcsin np.arcsin
cos np.cos
cosh np.cosh
acos np.arccos
arccos np.arccos
tan np.tan
tanh np.tanh
arctan np.arctan
atan np.arctan
arctan2 np.arctan2
atan2 np.arctan2
exp np.exp
ln np.log
log np.log
log10 np.log10
average np.average
mean np.mean
arange np.arange
linspace np.linspace
logspace np.logspace
divide np.divide
sum np.sum
trapz np.trapz
sign np.sign
isnan np.isnan

Modifications of isnan: returns False if object is no float, returns bool instead of np.bool_