
From SweepMe! Wiki
Revision as of 12:17, 26 July 2023 by Afischer (talk | contribs)
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call() is intended to be used to read values from the buffer of a communication port and hand them over to SweepMe!. Thus, it must return a list of all values according to the lists of variables and units. In order to improve the speed of measurements, the concept of unblocking parallelization should be used.

Driver programming

The use of call can be omitted in a driver if no variables and units have been defined in a driver.

Data types

To make sure that your returned data can be handled, please make sure that it is converted into python data types such as 'str', 'int', 'float', 'list' or a numpy array.

  • Plotting: data must be of type 'int', 'float', list of floats, numpy array
  • Saving data: Starting from SweepMe! 1.5.5 data will be also saved for undefined data types by using the string of the value. For SweepMe! 1.5.4, data is missing in the data file.