Sweep Scripts
Several Measurement Classes like SMU, Sweep, or Switch allow you to use 'SweepScript' as the source for the Sweep Value.
How to use
SweepScripts are simple text files which help you to make fully individual parameter sweeps. In the field "SweepScript" you can load a file from folder "SweepScripts" of your local SweepMe! installation. The file endings ".txt", ".csv", ".dat" are supported.
- SweepScript Input.png
Input dialog for SweepScripts
Make sure that your selected "SweepScript" as Sweep value in order to use your Sweep Script file as source for the values to be applied.
- SweepScript UsedforSweepValue.png
Choose SweepScript as Sweep value in order to use your Sweep Script file as source for the values to be applied.
Basically, there are three columns which can be used, related to
- Sweep value
- Hold time
- Stop time
The first column is mandatory and is related to the value which will be applied. The second and the third column are not mandatory and are related to Hold time and Stop time.
Supported are tab ("\t") and comma separated values. In case of tab ("\t") as separator, the decimal decimal mark can be either a point or a comma. In case of comma separated value, the decimal mark must be a point
Comments are indicated by a leading number sign #
Please find some examples in the SweepScripts folder of your local SweepMe! installation.
Making SweepScripts
Text editor
The simplest way to generate a SweepScript is to use an text editor like editor or notepad++. Put your values in and keep the format as given above.
Simply put the numbers into the first three columns and save the file as ".csv" (comma separated values).
- SweepScript LibreOffice.png
Typical input in a calculation software to generate a SweepScript.
Think about the possibility to use a scripting language such as python to generate complex parameter procedures. Only pay attention to save