Supported parameters
There are string-type keys that can be used during Device Class programming to interact with the GUI of the Signal module which are listed here.
A ComboBox with the currently selected Sweep mode.
Reference (previously 'Source')
A ComboBox to select frequency source, can be "Internal" or "External" The key "Source" is deprecated, please use the latest version of the LockIn-Module and use the key "Reference" to address this parameter when you create or revise a device class.
A ComboBox to select the input connector, can be "A", "A-B", "I" and can also be used to select whether a voltage or a current signal is measured.
A ComboBox to select the coupling such as "AC" or "DC".
A ComboBox to select whether the signal is grounded, such as "Float", "Ground"
A ComboBox to choose from typical gain values.
A ComboBox to choose from typical sensitivity values.
A ComboBox to choose from typical time constants.
A LineEdit to tell the device class to wait for a multiple of time constants before measured values are taken. Otherwise the measurement is performed immediately which could lead to old measurement signal that still interfer with newer ones. Typically, one should use 4-5 time constant to make sure that the measured signal is related to a new state.
A ComboBox to choose the reserve.
A ComboBox to choose a first filter. The device class programmer is free which filter is presented here.
A ComboBox to choose a second filter. The device class programmer is free which filter is presented here.
A ComboBox to select the slope, the signal is attenuated around the reference frequency.
Output1 (previously 'Channel1')
A ComboBox to select an additional measurement signal or channel that is output and/or displayed. The key "Channel1" is deprecated, please use the latest version of the LockIn-Module and use the key "Output1" to address this parameter when you create or revise a device class.
Output2 (previously 'Channel2')
A ComboBox to select an additional measurement signal or channel that is output and/or displayed. The key "Channel2" is deprecated, please use the latest version of the LockIn-Module and use the key "Output2" to address this parameter when you create or revise a device class.