The sequencer is a SweepMe! tool to create your own sequence of measurements. Items can be placed by drag&drop from a list of all available items/measurements and deleted by selecting them folowed by pressing 'Del(ete)' on the keyboard. The sequencer presents all measurements in a tree like hierarchy. The more they are shifted to the right side, the lower the level of hierarchy.
Each item represents either a measurement communicating with an external device or a certain internal procedure doing some operation like Make File, or PlotData.
The structure of the tree allows for serial and parallel arrangement of the items. Thus, very complex measurement scenarios can be created.
A serial arrangement is given when the items only have either one parent item of higher hierarchy, one child item of lower hierarchy, or both.
A parallel arrangment is achieved by placing multiple items at the same level of hierarchy.
Setting and reading
All items have at least one value which will be set during the measurement.
The tree of items is read in the following way: The values of each item are iterated, and for each value, this procedure is again done for the children items which are below in the hierarchy of the tree.
There is a crucial difference between setting a value and reading a value!
Setting a value: Whenever values of an item are iterated, they are forwarded to their MeasurementClass. As a consequence, the sequence of items, has a crucial impact on the measurement procedure, i.e. in which order parameters are applied to your devices.
Reading a value: