The Module 'Scope' is designed for implementing oscilloscopes by creating Device Classes.
Device Class development
Supported parameters
An oscilloscope has many parameters that are needed before a certain configuration is reproduced. Sometimes it is easier to change parameters directly at the device. To not overwrite certain parameters when starting a measurment, we recommend to add "As is" to each ComboBox. In that case, the Device Class should not send any command to the oscilloscope.
A ComboBox to provide possible trigger sources such as the channels of the oscilloscope or an external trigger in port
A ComboBox to provide the trigger coupling that defines which mode is used to get triggered, e.g. it can be 'AC', 'DC', or high frequency ('HF').
A ComboBox to provide the trigger slope, e.g. a rising flank, a falling flank or both
A LineEdit to provide the trigger level at which the signal is recognized and the time is zeroed.
A ComboBox to provide how acquisition is done. Typically, the acquisition is done 'Continuous'. However, if the data related to a single trigger event needs to be measured, one should provide a mode like 'Single'.
A ComboBox to provide typical values that can be used for averaging, e.g. 1, 2, 4, 8 ...
A Line Edit to provide