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SweepMe! version >= 1.5.5

The free main software SweepMe! can be extended by a bundle of Add-on modules. Prices and more information can be found here We offer a substantial discount to universities and institutes with an academic focus.


  • A license key has the structure XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX (8 digits - 8 digits - 8 digits)
  • Licenses can be activated using the menu "Tools" -> "Modules & Devices" -> menu "Licenses".
  • Read further details about versioning in the article about the Version manager.
  • Each license key can come with multiple setup activations. So the the same license key can be used at multiple setups in case you purchases multiple setup activations.
  • Please press the button "Refresh online versions" at the top-right of the version manager to make sure all new contents are shown.


  • Licenses can be deactivated to use them on another computer, e.g. if a computer will be renewed. They can be activated again on the other machine as long as the number of currently activatated setups does not overcome the number of purchased setup activations for the particular license key.
  • During the deactivation, all Add-on modules will be removed that had been activated by the license.