Sweep value
A Sweep value which will be set and applied to a device or a Module. Some Modules only have a single Sweep value which basically means that they do not increase the complexity or dimensionality of the measurement. Of course it much more interesting if a Module has several Sweep values for which a measurement is done.
Besides Sweep values, there exist Measurement values which are the values being read back from your devices. In some case the Sweep value and the Measurement value might be identical.
Modules having an own tab often allow the user to choose how the Sweep values are created.
Defining Sweep values
In order to define how the Sweep of a certain module is done, the Sweep mode and the Sweep value have to be adjusted. Most modules therefore have selection boxes labeled "Sweep mode" and "Sweep value". The Sweep mode defines which kind of value will be varied. For example, an SMU can vary "Voltage [V]" or "Current [A]".
The Sweep value defines the source of the values which will run through during the measuremnt. The unit of the Sweep value will be defined by the Sweep mode, e.g. Volt or Ampere in case of an SMU.
Types of Sweep values
Internal Sweep values
The SweepEditor is tabular input dialog to create complex lists of Sweep values.
The SweepBox is a simple input field where you can place some comma separated values. This feature is of particular importance if strings [1] are needed as SweepValue.
The SweepScript allows you to load the Sweep values from a text file
External Sweep values
A Sweep value can also be taken from an external source, being either a Measurement value or a Sweep value from another Module. This feature allows you to implement an interaction between the items of the sequencer. For example, the Sweep value Integration time of a Spectrometer could depend on the signal of a photodiode measured by a SMU.